Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer-Tilt
There will be several state-of-the-art spectrometers in operation on the NASA Polar Oribting Platform (NPOP-1) as part of the Earth Observing System. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) will consist of two imaging spectroradiometric instruments, one nadir-viewing (MODIS-N) and the other tiltable (MODIS-T) for ocean observation and land bidirectional reflectance studies. The MODIS-T instrument is required to cover the wavelength range of 400 to 880 nm in approximately 15 steps, have less than 2.3 percent instrument-induced polarization, be calibrated to an absolute radiometric accuracy of at least 5 percent over the full dynamic range of the instrument, have a 1.1 kilometer square instantaneous field of view at nadir, and be capable of + or - 50-deg along-track tilt.