Welcome from the Editors-in-Chief

Cybersecurity is now widely recognized as essential by individuals, firms, and governments. As society has grown more dependent on information systems and the Internet, the need for a secure and reliable cyber infrastructure is clear. As this need has spread beyond the domains of computing and information technology, the number of disciplines contributing valuable perspectives has also expanded greatly. For instance, social scientists, lawyers, and policy scholars help improve our understanding of how people and institutions make decisions affecting security and privacy. Meanwhile, computer scientists, engineers, and cryptographers have begun designing secure technologies that take personal or institutional incentives into account. The goal of the Journal of Cybersecurity is to provide a common publication outlet for top-quality, high-impact research and scholarship that spans the many disciplines investigating cybersecurity and privacy topics. The journal has been designed from the ground up to reflect the interdisciplinary nature of cybersecurity research, while ensuring disciplinary rigor in the articles we publish. To that end, we have appointed leaders across many disciplines as Area Editors. Their job is to coordinate peer review to ensure that papers published in the journal meet the disciplinary expectations of quality, while being written in such a way that the key results are accessible to those reading outside their specialty. To give the reader an idea of the wide coverage intended for the journal, and the expertise of our area editors, we list them here: …