SAC Programs at ICRA 2011

e thank the organizing committee for arranging a wonderful and success- ful IEEE International Con- ference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (see "ICRA Japan Forum: Preliminary Report on the Disaster and Robotics in Japan"). Owing to the generous support of the IEEE Ro- botics and Auto- mation Society (RAS), we were able to run the Student Activities Committee (SAC) programs with a great level of activ- ity. Special thanks go to Amy Blank and Abeje Y. Mer- sha, who provided essential help in the management of the daily tasks. You can recall the sweet memories by reading the framed section. Just as before, we ran two compet- itions in connection with the confer- ence. The enthusiastic jury, led by junior Past-President Bruno Sici- liano, evaluated the photo submis- sions. We are happy to announce that the 2011 ICRA student photo contest's winner is Luca Gherardi, from the Universit ad egli Studi di Bergamo, with the picture titled "Top-Down Approach from the Top of the Tower" (Figure 1). Bipin Suresh (Stanford University) won the second place for a picture titled "Huxingtin: Shanghai's Most Famous