Grid economy comes of age: emerging gridbus tools for service-oriented cluster and grid computing

Gene "contributed much to the industry, specifically in the peer-to-peer (P2P) space. He was a bright, witty, articulate spokesperson for Gnutella and the P2P movement. He co-founded Infrasearch ( to create a new distributed search technology to access more timely information on the Web. Infrasearch was acquired by Sun Microsystems in March of 2001. The Infrasearch team joined the JXTA team and integrated the search technology into Sun's JXTA technology by June of 2001. Several organizations within Sun and external to Sun are exploring the use of the technology including Sun's Enterprise Services and neofonie in Germany. Gene brought new ideas to the organization and stretched our thinking as we continue to explore new distributed computing technology. Gene was a trusted friend and colleague, and we will miss him greatly." – SUN.