Avaliação do vigor de sementes de melancia (Citrullus lunatus Schrad.) pelo teste de envelhecimento acelerado

The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of the accelerated aging test for vigor evaluation in watermelon seeds. Four seed lots from the Crimson Sweet cultivar were submitted to accelerated aging at 41 and 45°C for 48, 72 and 96 hours, at 100 and 76% relative humidity. The results were related with standard germination, first count, cool germination and seedling emergence in soil. It was concluded that the traditional methodology of the accelerated aging test (100% RH) was shown to be more efficient than the alternative method (76% RH) for vigor evaluation of watermelon seeds. Accelerated aging at 41°C and 100% RH for 48 hours was the most consistent procedure to indicate seed vigor levels.