Toward a Practical Method for Introducing and Evaluating Trust Learning Models in Open Multi-agent Systems

In multi-agent systems, agents often interact with each others to achieves their own goals. In open dynamic systems, trust between agents become a critical challenge to make such interactions effective. Many trust models have been proposed to formalise this concept. These models are such good for dealing with trust by proposing components that present a computational form of this concept and a learning strategies to manage it. Components and learning strategies differs from one model to another. This diversity may influence the decision of a user about the best trust model to use in his system. A comparative study is needed to evaluate each trust model and to show the prediction quality of each one. Several testbeds for the evaluation of trust models have been proposed. However, those testbeds are not flexible enough to handle different scenarios in various contexts. In this paper we formulate a practical method based on a framework that introduce the trust concept into open distributed systems, and a testbed that can be used to evaluate trust models in different contexts.

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