Comparação da Aceitação de Preparações Elaboradas Convencionalmente e com Resíduos Alimentares: O Caso do Mousse do Abacaxi e da sua Casca Comparison of Preparations Acceptance Prepared Conventionally and Food Waste: The Case Of Pineapple Mousse And Its Bark
The objective of this study was to evaluate the acceptability of elaborate recipes with pineapple and residues. The study was conducted from August to December 2014. The preparations were made in the processing laboratory of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraiba, Campus Picui - PB. 2 preparations were prepared, with conventional 1: pineapple mousse and 1 unconventional: Pineapple bark mousse. Samples of the preparations were evaluated sensory, by the acceptance test, performed soon after preparing food taster presenting to a sample in each analysis. Sensory analysis proved that the non-standard parts can be commonly used without abrupt change in the taste of the
[1] R. Zambiazi,et al. ABACAXI: PRODUÇÃO, MERCADO E SUBPRODUTOS , 2004 .