Children find computer games extremely motivating and are often prepared to devote large amounts of leisure time to playing them. UK educational policy makers and practitioners have recently started to explore the educational potential of computer games and to consider how their motivational features can be harnessed within the curriculum. This paper describes a fully implemented virtual role-playing environment, Ghostwriter, designed for educational drama development and writing instruction. Ghostwriter was developed using the commercial game engine Unreal and therefore has the same high quality graphics and audio which children are accustomed to playing with at home. Two separate field studies with Ghostwriter have shown the educational value of the system and have confirmed that children are extremely motivated by it
Judy Robertson,et al.
Ghostwriter: Educational Drama and Presence in a Virtual Environment
J. Comput. Mediat. Commun..
D. McCown.
Moral development in children.
Pediatric nursing.
J. Robertson.
The effectiveness of a virtual role-play environment as a story preparation activity
Judith Good,et al.
Using a Collaborative Virtual Role-Play Environment to Foster Characterisation in Stories
Ana Paiva,et al.
Heroes, villians, magicians, …: dramatis personae in a virtual story creation environment
IUI '01.