On the Analysis of Stability, Bifurcation, Chaos and Chaos Control of Kopel Map

Abstract A dynamical system of two nonlinear difference equations introduced by Kopel is studied (Kopel, M., Simple and complex adjustment dynamics in Cournot Duopoly model, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals , 1996, 7 (12), 2031–2048.). In this study, we determine conditions for the stability of the fixed points and we study the bifurcations and chaos (Devany, R. L., Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems . Addison–Wesley, New York, 1989.) by computing the maximum Laypunov exponents (Luhta, I. and Virtanen, I., Chaos, Solitons and Fractals , 1996, 7, 2083.). The OGY chaos control formula is used to control chaos in this system.