The Origin of Stars and Planetary Systems

Preface. Participants. Molecular Clouds L. Blitz, J.P. Williams. The Dynamical Structure and Evolution of Giant Molecular Clouds C.F. McKee. Physical Conditions in Nearby Molecular Clouds P.C. Myers. Models and Observations of the Chemistry Near Young Stellar Objects E.F. Van Dishoeck, M.R. Hogerheijde. The Formation of Low Mass Stars: An Observational Overwiew C.J. Lada. Low-Mass Star Formation: Theory F.H. Shu, et al. Bipolar Molecular Outflows R. Bachiller, M. Tafalla. Herbig-Haro Flows B. Reipurth, A.C. Raga. Magnetic Fields and Star Formation: A Theory Reaching Adulthood T.Ch. Moushovias, G.E. Ciolek. The Nature of Young Solar-Type Stars F. Menard, C. Bertout. The Evolution of Pre-Main-Sequence Stars F. Palla. OB Associations A.G.A. Brown, et al. The Role of Embedded Clusters in Star Formation E.A. Lada. Multiple Stellar Systems: From Binaries to Clusters I.A. Bonnell. Massive Star Formation E. Churchwell. Masers in Star-Forming Regions N.D. Kylafis, K.G. Pavlakis. Circumstellar Disks S.V.W. Beckwith. Accretion Disks and Eruptive Phenomena S.J. Kenyon. The Formation of Planets S.P. Ruden. Extrasolar Planets: Techniques, Results and the Future G.W. Marcy, R.P. Butler.