Bromocriptine for cocaine dependence. A controlled clinical trial.

On the basis of the dopamine depletion theory, bromocriptine has been tested to treat cocaine withdrawal and dependence. The authors conducted a 6-week study with 1 week of pretreatment observation and 5 weeks of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of bromocriptine for DSM-III-R-defined cocaine dependence in methadone-maintained male patients. The bromocriptine group (n = 24) did not differ from the placebo group (n = 26) in self-reported cocaine use, proportion of positive urine toxicology samples, craving for cocaine, resistance to cocaine use, or mood symptoms between the pretreatment baseline and the last week of the clinical trial. Both groups showed significant reduction in self-reported frequency of cocaine use, resistance to craving, and mood symptoms during participation in the protocol. The results of this study are consistent with recent clinical and laboratory findings in primary cocaine users. Despite initially promising pilot studies, recent evidence does not support the efficacy of bromocriptine to reduce cocaine use or craving.

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