The ion-composition of the plasma produced by impacts of fast dust particles

Abstract The composition of the impact plasma produced by fast dust particles (v > 1 km/sec) hitting an Au or W target was measured both with a model of the HELIOS micrometeoroid experiment (low electric field at the target) and a high field detector. The plasma composition and the total plasma charge depend strongly on the impact velocity and the electric field strength at the target. Spectra of 9 different projectile-target combinations were analysed. Two types of spectra could be observed, depending on the projectile material. (1) Spectra of metals and hard dielectrics (Mohs' hardness ⩾ 5). Particle constituents of low ionisation energy (e · u ⩾ 7eV, e.g. Na, K, Al) dominate the spectra of these materials at impact velocities below 10 km/sec. At higher speed the relative intensities change and new ions with higher ionisation energies appear. (2) Spectra of soft dielectrics (Mohs' hardness