The world market in holography is about 1 Billion U$. Most of this part is connected to embossed holograms, especially for security, authentication, packaging, giftware and promotion. Display holograms, holographic optical elements and technical holographic applications are economically less important. Germany has only a very small part of this global market. In general, the present status of holography in this country is not very good. Many laboratories and companies closed in the last years and only few are remaining. In contrast to this economic situation, scientific applications ofholography are continuing to give good results. Germany has a National Society for Holography (Deutsche Holographische Gesellschaft, DGH e.V., do N. Moller, Marienstr. 28, D-06108 Halle, with about 100 members. The society notifies the people about holographic activities and functions and gives young holographers a first contact. A second holographic society is Arbeitskreis Holographische Technik (AHT). Last summer the president G. Deutschmann passed away. German Holography will miss him dearly. In the following some remarks about the holographic activities in Germany are made. However, the survey is not complete as companies here work very independently. Please, excuse us for having omitted projects or companies which are not known to us.