Enabling technologies : body image and body function

Introduction Imagining the body Part 1: Interacting with technology Using virtual reality to help reduce pain during severe burn wound care procedures Enabling communication: pictures as language Moving sound Robotics and rehabilitation - the role of robot-mediated therapy post stroke Part 2: Listening to the body Psychophysiological recording and biofeedback: tools enabling people to control their own physiology Affective feedback The thought translation device - communication by means of EEG self-regulation for locked-in patients Part 3: Technology of replacement Reaching with electricity: externally powered prosthetics and embodiment Psychology and hand transplantation: clinical experiences Implantable replacement hearts Part 4: Living through technology Complex emotion: neuroprosthesis for grasping applications Technological enframing in the haemodialysis patient Critical care in high technology environments Conclusion Thinking through enabling technologies Guidelines for development and implementation