Research of crop yield models in China

It is of great significance to obtain the information of crop production objectively, accurately and in time. Crop yield estimation per unit is one of the keys of total production estimation. As a result, crop yield estimating, models directly influences the precision and credibility of total production estimation because of their rationality and scientificalness. In china, Research of crop yield estimating models has already developed more than twenty years. The precision and effectiveness of estimation models have improved greatly, especially with the advent of crop yield estimation based on remote sensing data. And it has already showed the following trend and characteristic: The theory starting point of yield models establishment is becoming more rational and scientific. The mathematical methods of setting up crop yield models are more advanced. Taking remote sensing information as the main information source, synthetic yield estimation model will become dominant for the future. The remote sensing information of high time resolution and low space resolution is still the main information source of estimation models of crops yield.