Passive acoustic localization of North Atlantic Right Whales using a modified near-field Bartlett beamformer

Owing to the principle of least commitment, near-field beamformers can produce passive acoustic source localizations which are robust to noise and interference. The power output of a traditional Bartlett near-field beamformer may be formulated in terms of the pairwise cross correlation functions of the sensor signals. We present a modified Bartlett processor wherein the ordinary cross correlation is replaced by generalized cross correlation, generalized in both time and frequency. As an example of the utility of the technique, we present results from a six element pentagonal marine array with a baseline of approximately 15 km deployed off the coast of Virginia. Localization of synthetic FM sweeps from known source locations within the array yield deviations from the true source location as measured by GPS of less than 100 meters. Localization of actual North Atlantic Right Whale calls provide good alignment of the unknown channel arrivals and acceptably small error ellipses.