Contributions to the calibration of integrated land use and transportation models

The need for land use and transport integrated modelling (LUTI modelling) as a decision aid tool in urban planning, has become apparent. Instantiating such models on cities, requires a substantial data collection, model structur-ing and parameter estimation effort. This work is a partial effort towards the integrated calibration of LUTI models. It considers one of the most widely used LUTI models and softwares, Tranus. The usual calibration approach for Tranus is briefly reviewed, then the calibration of Tranus' land use module is reformulated as an optimisation problem, proposing a clear basis for future fully integrated calibration. We analyse the case of transportable and non-transportable economic sectors. We also discuss how to validate calibration results and propose to use synthetic data generated from real world problems in order to assess convergence properties and accuracy of calibration methods. Finally, results of this methodology are presented for real world scenarios.