[Working memory and work with memory: visual-spatial and further components of processing].

Empirical and theoretical evidence for the concept of working memory is considered. We argue that the major weakness of this concept is its loose connection with the knowledge about background perceptive and cognitive processes. Results of two relevant experiments are provided. The first study demonstrated the classical chunking effect in a speeded visual search and comparison task, the proper domain of a large-capacity very short term sensory store. Our second study was a kind of extended levels-of-processing experiment. We attempted to manipulate visual, phonological, and (different) executive components of long-term memory in the hope of finding some systematic relationships between these forms of processing. Indeed, the results demonstrated a high degree of systematicity without any apparent need for a concept such as working memory for the explanation. Accordingly, the place for working memory is at all the interfaces where our metacognitive strategies interfere with mostly domain-specific cognitive mechanisms. Working memory is simply our work with memory.