On the psychobiology of personality : essays in honor of Marvin Zuckerman
E.S. Barratt, L.F. Orozco-Cabal, and F.G. Moeller, Impulsivity and sensation seeking: A historical perspective on current challenges. R.M. Stelmack, On personality and arousal: A historical perspective on Eysenck and Zuckerman. J. Strelau and M. Kaczmarek, Warsaw studies on sensation seeking. J. Joireman and D.M. Kuhlman, The Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire: Origin, development, and validity of a measure to assess an alternative Five-Factor Model of personality. P. Schmitz, On the alternative Five-Factor Model: Structure and correlates. A. Angleitner, R. Riemann, and F. Spinath, Investigating the ZKPQ-III-R: Psychometric properties, relations to the Five-Factor Model, and genetic and environmental influences on its scales and facets. S.B.G. Eysenck, How the impulsiveness and venturesomeness factors evolved after the measurement of psychoticism. P.G. Bazana and R.M. Stelmack, Stability of personality across the life span: A meta-analysis. A.M. Johnson and P.A. Vernon, The genetic basis of substance abuse: Mediating effects of sensation seeking. A. Furnham, Personality and leisure activity: Sensation seeking and spare-time activities. M. Goma-i-Freixanet, Sensation seeking and participation in physical risk sports. S.A. Ball, Personality traits, disorders, and substance abuse. L. Donohew, M.T. Bardo, and R.S. Zimmerman, Personality and risky behavior: Communication and prevention. G.D. Matthews, Neuroticism from the top down: Psychophysiology and negative emotionality. B. Brocke, The multilevel approach in sensation seeking: Potentials and findings of a four-level research program. V. De Pascalis, On the psychophysiology of extraversion. R. Haier, Brain imaging studies of personality: The slow revolution. J. Siegel, Electrophysiological correlates of sensation seeking behavior in rats, cats, and humans. P. Netter, Personality and hormones. J. Hennig, Personality, serotonin, and noradrenaline. T.H. Rammsayer, Extraversion and the dopamine hypothesis. B. af Klinteberg, L. von Knorring, and L. Oreland, On the psychobiology of impulsivity. Allan D. Pickering, The neuropsychology of impulsive antisocial sensation seeking personality traits: From dopamine to hippocampal function?