The prevalence of natural gastrointestinal nematodes was observed in cattle during the period from June, 2011 to May, 2012 in Rajshahi district. The prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes was 54.75% (rainy seasons-79.81%, autumn-57.70% summer-44.32% and winter seasons-34.74%). The prevalence of Ascaris sp.,Strongyles (Haemonchus sp., Trichostrongylus sp., Oesophagostomum sp. and Mecistocirrus sp.), Bunostomum sp., Trichuris sp. Strongyloides sp. and mixed infection were 11.88%, 46.58%, 4.11%, 9.14% 9.14% and 19.18%, respectively. The prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes was 62.25% in Rajshahi dictrict 56.25% in Nator dictrict,42.85% in Naogoan dictrict and 38% in Chapai Nawabgong dictrict . In the age of 1-6 months the prevalence of Ascaris sp. and,Strongyles were 33.34% and 3.34% respectively, in the age of 7-12 months, the prevalence of Ascaris sp Strongyles Trichuris sp. Strongyloides sp. and mixed infection were15%,25%,5%,5% and 12.5% respectively, in the age of 1-2 years, the prevalence of Strongyles sp., Bunostomum sp., Trichuris sp., Strongyloides sp. and mixed infection were 35%, 4%, 7.5%, 7% and 13.5% respectively, in the age of 2 years above, the prevalence of Strongyles sp., Bunostomum sp., Trichuris sp., Strongyloides sp. and mixed infection were 20%, 1%, 3%, 4% and 10% respectively.Ethanol extracts of 10 indigenous plants(neem,custard apple , betel leaf, pineapple, jute, garlic, papaya pomegrante, bitter gourd, and chaste tree) showed potential in vitro activities against adult parasites. Out of these, 10 plant extracts, 2 plants (neem and bitter gourd) showed 100% efficacy against adult worms, 5 plants (papaya, garlic, pineapple,betel leaf and chaste tree) showed 90% and others ( pomegranate, jute and custard apple) showed below 90%.
Z. Iqbal,et al.
In vitro and In vivo anthelmintic activity of Nicotiana tabacum L. leaves against gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep
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Endoparasites in calves of beef cattle herds: management systems dependent and genetic influences.
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S. Thamsborg,et al.
The Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Dairy Cattle in Central Kenya
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Anthelmintic activity of medicinal plants with particular reference to their use in animals in the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent.
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Improving the assessment of the economic impact of parasitic diseases and of their control in production animals.
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Drug Resistance in Nematodes
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The problem of residues in meat of edible domestic animals after application or intake of organophosphate esters
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A method of estimating the number of worms present in the fourth stomach and small intestine of sheep and cattle for the definite diagnosis of parasitic gastritis.