We study finite state transduction of automatic and morphic sequences. Dekking proved that morphic sequences are closed under transduction and in particular morphic images. We present a simple proof of this fact, and use the construction in the proof to show that non-erasing transductions preserve a condition called alpha-substitutivity. Roughly, a sequence is alpha-substitutive if the sequence can be obtained as the limit of iterating a substitution with dominant eigenvalue alpha. Our results culminate in the following fact: for multiplicatively independent real numbers alpha and beta, if v is an alpha-substitutive sequence and w is a beta-substitutive sequence, then v and w have no common non-erasing transducts except for the ultimately periodic sequences. We rely on Cobham's theorem for substitutions, a recent result of Durand.
Fabien Durand,et al.
Cobham's theorem for substitutions
F. Michel Dekking,et al.
Iteration of maps by an automaton
Discret. Math..
Alfred J. van der Poorten,et al.
Automatic sequences. Theory, applications, generalizations
Math. Comput..
Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
Hiérarchie et fermeture de certaines classes de tag-systèmes
Acta Informatica.
Lawrence S. Moss,et al.
Eigenvalues and Transduction of Morphic Sequences
Developments in Language Theory.
Jacques Sakarovitch,et al.
Elements of Automata Theory
Alan Cobham,et al.
On the Hartmanis-Stearns Problem for a Class of TAG Machines
Alan Cobham,et al.
Uniform tag sequences
Mathematical systems theory.