The report begins with a section, "The Role of Radiation in Radiation Chemistry," which briefly discusses radiation chemistry, deals with a comparison of isotopes, reactors, and machines, and treats the concept of the G value or energy utilization. It emphasizes the approach to improved G values for which little careful attention has been given in this country. The second section is, "Economic Considerations." This section could be subtitled "Operations Research in Radiation Technology." It analyzes the important extra-scientific parameters such as cost per kilowatt hour for radiation energy, amount of material that can be produced per unit time, comparative basic costs by conventional processes, projected consumption of products, radiation source levels, production G values, etc. Those factors and others set immediate boundary conditions whuch define the area in which to seek commercial applications of high level radiation. The third section is entitled, "Potential Immediate Industrial Applications." These specific examples are important in their owu right and also illustrate the way in which our present understanding of radiation chemistry can be used as a guide tc a coherent and directed search for applications. These examples include a number of products in the specialty chemical field as well as some in themore » area of "heavy" chemicals. The examples are deliberately chosen to span a wide range of potential applications of high level radiation. The fourth section, 'Basic Research Programs," summarizes the vectored researches which should be encouraged aud supported to sharpen the approach to economically attractive industrial radiation technology. In this section, Excited State Chemistry is emphasized. A subsequent fully technical report will expand and detail these proposed vectored researches. Finally, a section "Radiation Technology in Russia," outlines the progress and emphasizes that work in Russia is more directly vectored toward developing industrial radiation processes. An appendix is included entitled "Review of Fundamentals." This appendix summarizes the definition and terms used throughout the report and constitutes a useful review of concepts. (auth)« less