Hemispheric Prevalence During Chewing In Normal Right-Handed and Left-Handed Subjects: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Preliminary Study

Abstract This study evaluated the activation of different cortical areas during nondeliberate chewing of soft and hard boluses in five right-handed and five left-handed subjects with normal occlusion, to determine different hemispheric prevalences. The study was conducted with a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (1.5 T Magnetom Vision - Siemens Medical, Germany) using a head coil. The results showed that the most frequently activated areas were Brodmann’s areas four and six in the primary motor and premotor cortex, the insula and Broca’s area and, overall, showed greater activity of the cortical mastication area (CMA) in the right hemisphere for right-handed and in the left hemisphere for left-handed subjects.

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