High resolution satellite images for map production in developing countries

The lack of adequate maps is one of the critical issues that has to be dealt with in developing countries. Some technical projects involving the environment and land planning need correct and updated maps. Several tests have been conducted by our research group to develop a possible approach for low cost map and ortho-image production. This methodology is based on satellite remote sensing and GPS survey techniques. ASTER and QuickBird images were acquired to generate a Digital Surface Model (DSM) and a 1:10.000 ortho-image of a watershed in a rural area in Burkina Faso. A GPS survey was conducted to collect the ground control points needed for the exterior orientation of the images. Other tests on high resolution satellite images are now oriented to evaluating their suitability for map production and updating purposes. The tests performed on a Quickbird orthoprojection are described in the first part of this paper, where a vectorization was performed according to the Italian Technical Specifications for map production. The application concerns a case study in Burkina Faso, which is part of a cooperation project with the Politecnico di Torino DITAG, the student association Engineering Without Borders (ISF) and the NGO CISV in Turin (Italy). Tests concerning the orientation and stereo plotting (1:10.000 map production) of an OrbView-3 stereo pair are shown in the last part of this paper. The results of these tests are going to be evaluated to understand the effective suitability of this instruments in map production for developing countries.