A virtual world for exploring the interactions of atoms is described. The program was created in order to provide an alternative to traditional meth- ods of teaching chemistry to pre-college students. A haptic interface allows a user of the program to experience a recreation of the forces that would be pre- sent during real world atomic interactions. A first order simulation of atomic in- teraction is described, sufficiently simple that real-time calculations may be performed with the model. The program underwent preliminary testing during a hands-on demonstration. Based on initial feedback from users, an experiment was designed to evaluate the benefits of haptic feedback in assembling mole- cules. The results show that by providing force feedback, it is possible to de- crease the amount of time required to create a simple molecule in a virtual envi- ronment. The next phase of testing will be to demonstrate the utility of the simulator in an elementary school classroom.
Frederick P. Brooks,et al.
GROPE-1: A Computer Display to the Sense of Feel
IFIP Congress.
C. Dede.
Using Virtual Reality Technology to Convey Abstract Scientific Concepts
Michel F. Sanner,et al.
Role of haptics in teaching structural molecular biology
11th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2003. HAPTICS 2003. Proceedings..
R. C. Weast.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
W. M. Haynes.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Victor M. S. Gil,et al.
Virtual environment of water molecules for learning and teaching science
Thomas H. Massie,et al.
The PHANToM Haptic Interface: A Device for Probing Virtual Objects