Analysis of the effect of curtailment on power and fatigue loads of two aligned wind turbines using an actuator disc approach

To study the effects of curtailment on both power production and fatigue loading, actuator disc (ACD) simulations of two turbines aligned in the wind direction are performed with the EllipSys3D code developed at DTU/Riso. A simple non-aeroelastic fatigue load evaluation method for ACD simulations is developed. Blade loads, extracted along a line that rotates in the rotor plane with the rotational velocity of the respective turbine, are used to calculate flapwise bending moments. After applying a rainflow counting algorithm an equivalent moment is calculated. Power curtailment is introduced by increasing the blade pitch angle of the first turbine. Evaluation is made with regards to fatigue load reduction at the second turbine and the change in the total production. Further parameters investigated are the spacing between the two turbines and the level of imposed pre-generated turbulence. The aeroelastic code Vidyn, Ganander [1], is used for validation of the ACD load evaluation method. For this purpose, the EllipSys3D simulations are rerun without the second turbine. Time series of cross sectional velocity fields are extracted at positions corresponding to the former placement of the downstream turbine and used as input for aeroelastic turbine load calculations in Vidyn. The results from Vidyn and the results based on the ACD loads show similar trends. Fatigue loads at the downwind turbine are clearly decreasing as the blade pitch angle of the upstream turbine is increasing. The achievable amount of fatigue load reduction depends on the level of the imposed pre-generated turbulence as well as the spacing between the turbines. The presented method is intended for further development of wind park optimization strategies.