Southern isolation and northern long-distance dispersal shaped the phylogeography of the widespread, but highly disjunct, European high mountain plant Artemisia eriantha (Asteraceae)

We investigated the range dynamics of Artemisia eriantha, a widespread, but rare, mountain plant with a highly disjunct distribution in the European Alpine System. We focused on testing the roles of vicariance and long-distance dispersal in shaping the current distribution of the species. To this end, we collected AFLP and plastid DNA sequence data for 17 populations covering the entire distributional range of the species. Strong phylogeographical structure was found in both datasets. AFLP data suggested that almost all populations were genetically strongly differentiated, with 58% of the overall genetic variation partitioned among populations. Bayesian clustering identified five groups of populations: Balkans, Pyrenees, Central Apennines, one southwestern Alpine population and a Widespread cluster (eastern Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians). Major groups were supported by neighbor-joining and NeighbourNet analyses. Fourteen plastid haplotypes were found constituting five strongly distinct lineages: Alps plus Pyrenees, Apennines, Balkans, southern Carpathians, and a Widespread group (eastern Pyrenees, northern Carpathians, Mt. Olympus). Plastid DNA data suggested that A. eriantha colonized the European Alpine System in a westward direction. Although, in southern Europe, vicariant differentiation among the Iberian, Italian and Balkan Peninsulas predominated, thus highlighting their importance as glacial refugia for alpine species, in temperate mountain ranges, long-distance dispersal prevailed. This study emphasizes that currently highly disjunct distributions can be shaped by both vicariance and long-distance dispersal, although their relative importance may be geographically structured along, for instance, latitude, as in A. eriantha. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 174, 214–226.

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