Estratégia de controle de qualidade de minérios na lavra utilizando simulação geoestatística

The new generation of coal fired power plants in Brazil are expected to use ROM coal as fuel. Thus, variations of coal quality tend to be transferred from mine to the final user. Contracts frequently establish max-min limits for geological and technological parameters. Lots of ore with quality beyond the agreed limits can be rejected or penalized. The high costs of these penalties require quality control of the final product (ROM). The utilization of geostatistical methods aims for quality and variability characterization of ore in the deposit. The geostatistical method uses a block model with grades assigned to each block normally by ordinary kriging. This block model ignores or is inappropriate for accessing the uncertainty associated with the geological model. Consequently, this procedure fails in predicting grade fluctuations correctly. Contrary to kriging, simulation methods aim at reproducing in situ grade variability and spatial continuity. Once a block model has each grade uncertainty evaluated, quality fluctuation can be predicted for a given mining route and size of lot delivered to the customer. Different mining routes and sizes of ore lots are tested until a desirable level of grade oscillation is achieved. Results from a case study at a Brazilian coal mine proved the adequacy and functionality of the method. Simulation geostatistical makes possible predictions of quality fluctuations at certain volumes of ore in the deposit.