Anisotropy of G0 shear stiffness in Gault Clay
The inclusion of anisotropic stiffness parameters in sophisticated constitutive models necessitates their determination in the field and laboratory. Hitherto, anisotropy of small-strain stiffness of clays has occasionally been examined in the laboratory by measurements on specimens sampled at different orientations. The authors have developed a device to propagate and receive horizontal shear waves with both vertical and horizontal polarization through 100 mm triaxial samples. The device incorporates bender elements embedded in the pads of a horizontal belt. In tests on both reconstituted and natural samples of Gault Clay, each of the transmission velocities Vs(xh), Vs(hx) and Fs(hh) has been measured during stress path tests. The ratio G0(hh)/G0(vh) has been shown to be highly dependent on stress state. Laboratory data on natural samples show results broadly consistent with in situ results. Pour pouvoir inclure des parametres de rigidite anisotrope dans des modeles constitutifs perfectionnes, il faut les...