Spatiotemporal dynamics in understanding hand—object interactions

Significance Combining EEG and transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques, we show that reactivation of visual areas plays a fundamental role for understanding conceptual object properties. We suggest that a similar top-down mechanism might also play a role in other higher-order cognitive functions. These results shed a new light on the basic mechanisms underlying perception. It is generally accepted that visual perception results from the activation of a feed-forward hierarchy of areas, leading to increasingly complex representations. Here we present evidence for a fundamental role of backward projections to the occipito-temporal region for understanding conceptual object properties. The evidence is based on two studies. In the first study, using high-density EEG, we showed that during the observation of how objects are used there is an early activation of occipital and temporal areas, subsequently reaching the pole of the temporal lobe, and a late reactivation of the visual areas. In the second study, using transcranial magnetic stimulation over the occipital lobe, we showed a clear impairment in the accuracy of recognition of how objects are used during both early activation and, most importantly, late occipital reactivation. These findings represent strong neurophysiological evidence that a top-down mechanism is fundamental for understanding conceptual object properties, and suggest that a similar mechanism might be also present for other higher-order cognitive functions.

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