Molecular screening of the ZFHX1B gene in prenatally diagnosed isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum

Agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) is the most common malformation of the central nervous system and may be associated with mental retardation. ACC is found in 40% of the cases of Mowat–Wilson syndrome (MWS), a polytopic embryonic defect including a distinctive facial gestalt, severe mental retardation, epilepsy and postnatal microcephaly as constant features. Other manifestations involve Hirschsprung disease, cardiac defects, renal abnormalities and hypospadias. Among this broad spectrum of malformations recently associated with haploinsufficiency of the zinc finger homeobox 1B gene (ZFHX1B), ACC can therefore be the only feature to be detected prenatally. Thus, we studied a group of 18 fetuses terminated for ACC and performed mutational analysis of the ZFHX1B gene in six selected cases.