For collecting informed public opinions a special kind of questionnaire has been developed: the Choice Questionnaire. With this questionnaire, information relating to a decision problem is made available to respondents. This information includes the various options from which a choice has to be made, and the consequences of these options. The Choice Questionnaire also contains a procedure that is designed to assist participants in processing this information and in making a choice based on it.This paper studies the extent to which the Choice Questionnaire is a useful instrument for collecting informed opinions and the effects the instrument has on the decision-making process of the participants. The factors influencing its performance are also considered. This evaluation study has been carried out in a real life context: the choice made by the Dutch population concerning the further application of nuclear power.
Paul Slovic,et al.
Dimensional Commensurability and Cue Utilization in Comparative Judgment.
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How to Use Multi-Attribute Utility Measurement for Social Decision Making
R. L. Keeney,et al.
Decisions with Multiple Objectives: Preferences and Value Trade-Offs
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
Stephen E. Fienberg,et al.
Discrete Multivariate Analysis: Theory and Practice
Donald R. Lehmann,et al.
The Importance of Halo Effects in Multi-Attribute Attitude Models: