Stereotactic uses beyond core biopsy: model development for minimally invasive treatment of breast cancer through interstitial laser hyperthermia.

Light of a Nd:YAG laser presented through a fiberoptic cable to a diffusing tip can be adapted to mammographic stereotactic instruments now used for core biopsy in the hyperthermic endoablation of breast cancer. This approach to cancer destruction extends breast preservation to the point of no observable surface skin change. The initial analysis characterizes the effects of laser endohyperthermia in a physical model as well as in tissue, both ex vivo and in vivo, to create a reliable technique that will lead to human trials. A fiberoptic cable with a diffusing quartz tip placed deep within soft tissue can pass light of a neodymium laser and consequent thermal energy for the destruction of surrounding soft tissues. Because breast cancer occurs with greatest frequency in the involuted breasts of women more than 50 years of age and because this tissue is predominantly fibro-fatty in nature, our work has concentrated on model development and the determination of heat distribution and destruction of fat and fibro-fatty tissue. Following the development of a physical model, time-temperature courses were found to be similar in ex vivo human breast tissue and subcutaneous porcine fat. This led to in vivo porcine studies that confirmed similar time-temperature courses. For tissues brought to a range of 60 degrees C to 80 degrees C and sustained for the better part of 20 minutes, gross and histological analyses reveal complete destruction over a 1 1/2 cm radial region around the laser tip. This approach offers great promise for the treatment of stereotactically biopsied small T1 breast carcinomas.