Implementation of the KNGR Class Library Based on the GPM and Semantic Networks for Co-design

AbstractWith the competition between companies becomes fiercer, it is necessary that several designers who are usually geometrically distributed, need cooperative work in design for an efficient design. In particular, a nuclear power plant is so complex, and these co-design environments were positively required. In this paper, to support co-design common data model, which has geometry and non-geometry data model, was developed based on semantic networks. That is the Korean Next Generation Reactor (KNGR) class library. The subject of data model is the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) in the KNGR. The KNGR class library was completed using XML through an analysis of the KNGR Information Management System (IMS) – Engineering Database (EDB) and the Generic Product Model (GPM) class library. When the KNGR class library was made, we considered a structural representation of plant and differences between the Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) and the Boiling-Water Reactor (BWR).