An Experimental Evaluation of Short Opinion Document Classification Using A Word Pattern Frequency

An opinion mining technique which was developed from document classification in area of data mining now becomes a common interest in domestic as well as international industries. The core of opinion mining is to decide precisely whether an opinion document is a positive or negative one. Although many related approaches have been previously proposed, a classification accuracy was not satisfiable enough to applying them in practical applications. A opinion documents written in Korean are not easy to determine a polarity automatically because they often include various and ungrammatical words in expressing subjective opinions. Proposed in this paper is a new approach of classification of opinion documents, which considers only a frequency of word patterns and excludes the grammatical factors as much as possible. In proposed method, we express a document into a bag of words and then apply a learning algorithm using a frequency of word patterns, and finally decide the polarity of the document using a score function. Additionally, we also present the experiment results for evaluating the accuracy of the proposed method.