분산전원이 연계된 배전계통에 있어서 선로전압조정장치(SVR)의 전압제어 개선방안

This paper presents the novel voltage control method in power distribution system with distributed generators. The voltage in distribution systems is regulated by Under Load Tap Changer(ULTC) of substation and pole transformer of primary feeders. Recently, Step Voltage Regulator(SVR) is getting located at distribution feeders to regulate effectively voltage of primary feeders. But the effectiveness of SVR decreases due to independent operation between SVR and ULTC, and also the existing Line Drop Compensator(LDC) method considering the distributed generators may be not able to regulate the proper voltage in a permissible range. Thus, this paper presents a optimal voltage control algorithm of SVR by using the secondary voltage data of main transformer in substation.