The performance of a novel tracking detector developed for the focal plane of the NSCL/FRIB S800 magnetic spectrometer is presented. The detector comprises a large-area drift chamber equipped with a hybrid Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD)-based readout. The latter consists of a position-sensitive Micromegas detector preceded by a two-layer M-THGEM multiplier as a pre-amplification stage. The signals from the Micromegas readout are processed by a data acquisition system based on the General Electronics for TPC (GET). The drift chamber has an effective area of around 60 × 30 cm2, which matches to the very large acceptance of the S800 spectrometer. This work discusses in detail the results of performance evaluation tests carried out with a low-energy alpha-particles source, and with high-energy heavy-ion beams with the detector installed at the S800 focal plane. In this latter case, the detector was irradiated with a 150 MeV/u 78Kr36+ beam as well as a heavy-ion fragmentation cocktail beam produced by the 78Kr36+ beam impinging on a thin beryllium target. The new detector allows sub-millimeter position resolution in both dispersive and non-dispersive directions. The new read out scheme, coupled to the GET electronics, has several advantages compared to the old Cathode Readout Drift Chamber (CRDC), including a four time higher detection rate (of around 20 kHz), multi-hit capability, and a better operation stability. The new improved performance are needed to take full advantage of FRIB's rare-isotope beam portfolio and expected high intensity.
P. Baron,et al.
Application of the Generic Electronics for Time Projection Chamber (GET) readout system for heavy Radioactive isotope collision experiments
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment.
A. Stolz,et al.
Multi-layer thick gas electron multiplier (M-THGEM): A new MPGD structure for high-gain operation at low-pressure.
The Review of scientific instruments.
E. Delagnes,et al.
GET electronics samples data analysis
F. Sauli.
Gaseous Radiation Detectors: Fundamentals and Applications
T. Geralis,et al.
Development and performance of Microbulk Micromegas detectors
J. Yurkon,et al.
The S800 spectrograph
A. Stolz,et al.
Commissioning the A1900 projectile fragment separator
J. Yurkon,et al.
Focal plane detector for the S800 high-resolution spectrometer
G. Charpak,et al.
MICROMEGAS: a high-granularity position-sensitive gaseous detector for high particle-flux environments