Independent control of the beamwidth and sidelobe level of taylor one-parameter arrays

A simple method for the design of linear antenna arrays having independently controllable sidelobe level and beamwidth is presented. Unlike existing methods that rely on optimization algorithms, or on a modification of the Chebyshev design method, the proposed method is based on Taylor one-parameter array design method, which is famous for providing decaying sidelobes. An equation for the first-null beamwidth of Taylor one-parameter linear arrays is first derived in terms of the array number of elements, the uniform inter-element spacing, and the prescribed sidelobe level. A virtual linear array is then designed, using Taylor one-parameter method, for the desired number of elements and sidelobe level, and for the inter-element spacing that yields the wanted first-null beamwidth. The array factor of the antenna array under design, which is probably being worked for a different inter-element spacing, is later equated to the array factor of the already synthesized virtual array. Finally, using matrix multiplication and pseudo-inversion, as shown in the presented equations, the excitations of the array under design can be obtained. These are meant for the prescribed number of elements, inter-element spacing, sidelobe level and first-null beamwidth. Examples are given to verify the correctness of the presented method.