Message from the SAWN 2006 Workshop Co-chairs

SAWN provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and results among industry practitioners and researchers working in the emerging area of self-assembling wireless networks. Original research papers and state-of-the-art surveys were solicited on all aspects of self-assembling wireless networks, including, but not limited to, modeling and optimization of heterogeneous self-assembling wireless networks, authentication, privacy, and security, dynamic networks and dynamic graph algorithms, dynamic frequency and channel assignment, multi-hop routing in heterogeneous ad hoc and sensor networks, multi-path forwarding for fault tolerance, wireless multicasting, performance of end-to-end protocols over wireless networks, data aggregation and management, caching and prefetching for information access in wireless networks, mechanism design and cooperation enforcement, synchronization and scheduling issues in ad hoc wireless networks, resource management in mobile, wireless, and ad hoc networks, energy-saving protocols for ad hoc and sensor wireless networks, monitoring management in sensor networks, mobility and location management, and algorithms for multimedia QoS and traffic management.