Optical and infrared spectra of thermally annealed Pb-implanted SiO2 glasses

Infrared reflectance between 4000 and 100 cm-1 and optical spectra between 1.8 and 6.2 eV of high purity silica implanted with nominal doses of 1, 3, and 6 X 1016 Pb ions/cm2 were recorded before and after annealing at 400, 600, and 800 degree(s) C for 1 hour. Curve resolution analysis of the Si-O stretching region resulted in six peaks which were characterized by their lineshape parameters. The oscillator strength of the ion induced defect peak at 1035 cm-1 was found to depend on ion dose. The defect band at 1035 cm-1 decreased to an intensity comparable to that of the unimplanted glass after thermal annealing for 1 hour at 800 degree(s) C. Far infrared spectra indicated the formation of lead silicate particles after annealing.