Partition theorems for systems of finite subsets of integers

We study generalizations of Ramsey theorem to systems of finite subsets of @w. A system L of finite subsets of @w is called to be Ramsey if for every partition L=L"[email protected]?L"2 there exists an infinite set [email protected][email protected] such that L"[email protected]?[Y]^<^@w=0 or L^[email protected]?[Y]^<^@w=0. We give some sufficient conditions for a system to be Ramsey. We also prove a theorem which concerns partitions into infinitely many classes. This may be regarded as a common generalization of Erdos-Rado and Nash-Williams theorems.

[1]  P. Erdös,et al.  A combinatorial theorem , 1950 .

[2]  C. St. J. A. Nash-Williams,et al.  On well-quasi-ordering transfinite sequences , 1965, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.