Feasibility study of the biological effects of fallout on people in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. Final report

The objectives of the study described in this paper were to determine the feasibility of reopening the Utah Thyroid Study that was conducted from 1965-68. It was designed to ascertain three things: (1) if the study population can be reconstructed so that necessary followup data can be obtained, (2) if the records can be linked with cancer incidence in exposed and unexposed survey groups, and (3) if the basic records from the previous study are available in such form as to permit further study. Study was conducted in direct response to both legislative and executive concern over possible health effects from nuclear weapons testing at the Nevada Test Site in the 1950's. Regarding the first objective, a sample of the original study group was traced successfully, through one contract, indicating that a full-scale followup of the entire cohort is feasible. Regarding the second objective, linkage has been successfully completed, through a second contract, between the original cohort records and the Utah Cancer Registry and the Rocky Mountain Data System. Regarding the third objective, the basic records from the original study were found to be limited as to exposure information. Therefore, while useful and important studies may be possible to detectmore » existence of health problems in exposed individuals, definitive epidemiologic studies cannot be done because of limitations in exposure information. Three options are presented and their various strengths and weaknesses are considered.« less