Understanding Research Methods and Statistics: An Integrated Introduction for Psychology

My Personal Review: In the past I have been quite critical regarding the quality of this book. I had found it tedious, overly descriptive, and lacking of significant examples. In the meanwhile I have been using this book consistently because I needed information and verifications regarding the design of a challenging study. Well, I had to change my mind regarding my doubts and skepticism, and now I feel that I must vote in favor of the book. Research is not exactly a walk on the beach, and this is certainly not a beach book. Research requires lots of patience, and very systematic people willing to devote much of their time for the sake of science. This book should be approached in a similar fashion, and with the intent and will to learn. If the reader establishes such a relation with this textbook, she/he will find most of her/his questions answered. Aside the above praises, the author should consider to add practical examples to theory. This suggestion could be of great help to students willing to stay focused on a stimulating problem, and without ending up lost somewhere in the middle of the path.