Synthesis Methodology of AW filters for RF applications based on Matrix Rotations to overcome round-off errors

Filtering synthesis methodologies have become increasingly popular among AW filter designers due to their effectiveness, precision, and usefulness. Regardless of dealing with an equivalent Butterworth-Van Dyke electrical or coupling-nodal model, current synthesis tools consist of recursive methods that iteratively extract element by element the information from a global admittance function of the network. These methodologies have proven effective in finding reliable and technology-oriented seeds speedily in early design stages and providing a trustworthy tool for decision-making during the whole engineering design cycle. However, current numerical algorithms introduce roundoff errors, limiting the reachable maximum filter order. This work describes a new and completely different algorithm for the synthesis methodology that provides robustness in front of high-order filters pushing the filter degree limit beyond the 18th-order. This contribution becomes a step forward in consolidating AW-oriented EDA tools.