Genetic analysis of rice varietal diversity for rice blast control.

Two Indica hybrid rice of Shanyou63 (A) and Shanyou22 (B), two glutinous landraces of Huanghenuo (C) and Zinuo (D) and three improved Japonica rice of Hexi41 (E), Chujing12 (F) and 8126 (G) were selected and their genetic resistance relationship was estimated using resistance gene analogue (RGA). The results showed that there were similar genetic relationships between hybrid varieties at the genetic similarity (GS) of 0.86,and among improved Japonica varieties at the GS of 0.84, while highly genetic diversifications between traditional varieties, Indica and Japonica varieties, traditional and modern variety ( GS:0.45). The results also showed that clustering analysis based on RGA data were generally corresponded to known pedigrees and blast field resistances of the varieties. Based on varietal differences in RGA data and agronomic traits, plot experiments of five mixed-planting combinations of A/C, A/D, B/C, B/D and A/B and two combinations of E/C and E/F/G were conducted in Jianshui and Shiping counties ( Indica rice growing region) and Luxi County (warm Japonica region) in Yunnan Province in past two years, respectively. The results demonstrated that rice blast management was more effective in five mixed-planting combinations of varieties with different genetic backgrounds (GS: 0.45-0.77) than in two combinations with similar genetic relationships (GS: 0.84-0.90), compared with their monocultures. It is evident for the highly susceptible landraces in mixed-planting to achieve disease control, with significant decreases both in incidence and severity. The blast control efficiencies of landraces in different mixture combinations reached to 54.47%-92.18%. The control efficiencies of improved varieties varied from 15.12% to 25.54% in mixture combinations with closed genetic relationship. In addition,the total yield of 5 varietal combinations with distant genetic relationship increased 539.0-904.0 kg/ha in the mixed-planting plots, at increase rates of 5.6%-10.2%. Mixed rice varieties with similar genetic background did not achieve significant yield increase. Otherwise, the yield of E/F/G decreased 2.7%-4.0% compared with pure stand. The results can provide scientific basis of varietal combinations in diversification experiments for blast control.