Scupper's Island: Using game design and role play to learn about professional ethics

is a role playing game (RPG) at, based on apirate code of conduct as the major part of the game play. In an educational context, game-based learning is used to teach computer ethics which can be extended to professionalethics. The purpose of the game is to let the players interact as pirates and learn aboutvalues, ethics and differences in each other’s ethical beliefs. To design the game, gamesdesign theory was researched and implemented using a set of basic rules. A game musthave a hero, and must involve a quest or challenge, for it to be an effective learning tool.The authors propose that use of an online environment in teaching professional ICT ethicscan be very effective if used in conjunction with traditional learning techniques.Keywords: artificial intelligence, autonomous agents, computer ethics, eliza bot, Jungianstorytelling, pirate code of conduct, role playing game, virtual world