New Perspectives on Games and Interaction

9789089640574 - 2[-] Table of Contents - 6[-] Preface - 8[-] The Logic of Conditional Doxastic Actions - 10[-] Comments on 'The Logic of Conditional Doxastic Actions' - 34[-] Belief Revision in a Temporal Framework - 46[-] Yet more Modal Logic of Preference Change and Belief Revision - 82[-] Meaningful Talk - 106[-] A Study in the Pragmatic of Persuasion: a Game Theoretical Approach - 122[-] On Glazer and Rubenstein on Persuasion - 142[-] Solution Concepts and Algorithms for Infinite Multiplayer Games - 152[-] Games in Language - 180[-] 'Games That Make Sense': Logic, Language and Multi-Agent Interaction - 198[-] Solution of Church's Problem: A Tutorial - 212[-] Modal Dependence Logic - 238[-] Declarations of Dependence - 256[-] Backward Induction and Common Strong Belief of Rationality - 266[-] Efficient Coalitions in Boolean Games - 284[-] Interpretation if Optimal Signals[-] - 300[-] A Criterion for the Existence of Pure and Stationary Optimal Strategies in Markov Decision Processes[-] - 314