도리방향 골조의 반턱이음 접합부의 횡하중 저항능력에 관한 실험
To study the lateral load capacity of an end lap joint of Dori-directional frame on corner column in traditional wood structure system, 1/2 scaled and ㄱ-shaped sub-assembles from Deawoongjeon of Bongjungsa were tested. Cyclic Lateral force was applied to column until to reach at 4% story drift. From the experiments, it was shown that as the vertical loading increases the lateral load capacity increases; and the lateral load resistance is developed by the restraints between the contacting areas of beam and column. Based on the resistant mechanism, a formula to estimate lateral capacity is derived. Compared with the experiments, the estimation of ultimate strength according to the formula has good agreement especially at 2 and 3% story drift. It can be seen that the effective stiffness of beam is in the range of 2.4 to 3.6% of the stiffness of full section at 2% story drift.