Adenocarcinoma renal metastático em uma Codorna Japonesa (Coturnix coturnix japonica)

A 2-year-old Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), female, which stopped egg production presented: weight loss, increased abdominal volume, and death. Macroscopically, it was observed: ascites, whitish left lung, whitish masses measuring 1.0cm in diameter in the caudal right lobe of the liver and in the gizzard serosa; 0.1-0.5cm masses in the mesentery and intestinal serosa; and a 5.0x2.0cm mass in synsacral area that encompassed 90% of the renal parenchyma and part of ovary and oviduct. Histologically, epithelial cells proliferation with formation of tubules, sometimes without lumen supported by mild fibrovascular stroma and multifocal necrosis was observed in the renal mass. The neoplastic cells were cuboidal, with round to oval nuclei, and evident nucleolus, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, moderated pleomorphism. Mitotic figures were rare. Metastasis was seen diffuse in ovary, oviduct, left lung, multifocal in intestinal serosa, focal in liver and serosal and muscular layer in gizzard. Immunohistochemically, tumors cells were positive for cytokeratin (clones AE1+AE3) and negative for cytokeratin 5/6, CD10 and placental alkaline phosphatase. According to localization, morphology features and immunohistochemistry evaluation, the present study reports a metastatic renal adenocarcinoma.

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