Welding of cobalt-iron-based amorphous alloy foils with Nd:YAG laser
The paper presents research results of the welding of cobalt-iron-based amorphous alloy with Nd:YAG laser. The aim of the research was the production of a high quality welding joint, by preserving the amorphous structure. Amorphous alloy VAC 6025 [(CoFe)70(MoSiB)30] in the shape of foils with different thickness (0.025 and 0.030 mm) were overlapingspot welded. The quality fo the foils surface, by measuring of the roughness, measuring of the reflection from the surface of the foils and estimation of the absorption grade, were investigated as basic characteristics of the laser beam welding of amorphous alloy foils. The quality of the welded joints was tested by microstructure analysis with optical microscope and SEM and the micro hardness of the welded joints.